Friday, January 4, 2008

Back to the chemo grind

Well, today Candace and I headed to camp chemo with her well drugged on ativan but she still got the pre-chemo jitters and was sick before the nurse could hook her up. I am beginning to think it is me! Last week she went with her step dad and was fine! Enter more ativan and a long sleep through the whole chemo session.

I see nothing, I hear nothing....

She felt much better after she got home and had what was hopefully her last trip to the porcelain god. She is sleeping now and if all goes well she should be feeling better tomorrow with a full recovery by tuesday.
We had a good talk with Dr. Chase today and we presented her with some info we had gotten about dropping Bleo from her Chemo cocktail. She said she would look at it and maybe she would drop the Bleo after cycle 4 (She just finished 4 today). I felt a little weird giving a doctor medical info but she took it in stride and asked me to email her another study I had found, so that was good. We also talked to her about a Hodgkin's vaccine that is in clinical trials. She had not heard of it but wanted more info so I will send that off to her as well. Being proactive in Candace's treatment is about the only thing I can do to help her fight this disease. I am a little bit of a computer geek so I spend hours researching Hodgkin's and trying to learn all I can. The amount of info out there is overwhelming! I hope Dr. Chase is up on it all.
I am sure Candace will update you all when she is feeling better but for now she is in the land of ativan dreams...
Be well,
Tomorrow is another day.


Anonymous said...

Good job Dennis!! I had no idea they had a Hodgkin's vaccine in clinical trials.

Sorry to hear Sis had anticipatory nausea again. That's a bummer, but like you said, she'll bounce back.

Four treatments to go and she's done!! Woo hoo!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. You are right in dialoguing with the Doctor.

Keep singing, dancing, and smiling.


Kathryn and Ari said...

Hey, guys-
Hope Candace is bouncing back from this latest dose of yuck. It sounds like the two of you are going to join Stephen Colbert (DFA) in honorary doctorates: though yours will be in oncology!
Hope to see you soon.
Kate and Greg